Kundalini Activation
A Kundalini Activation session. What are we talking about?
It is an activation and transmission of energy that empower your vital energy: the kundalini - the
the energy of life that we are all born with it.
Due to traumatic experiences, emotional pains, transgenerational patterns, and limitations placed by
ourselves or by society, the kundalini energy gradually decreases. Our physical body contains energy
centers where this repressed information is manifested in the form of diseases, fears, insecurities,
and blockages...
With the practice of Kundalini Activation sessions, this powerful energy allows unblocking and balance
in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic information that generates health, well-being
and internal expansion.

What to expect during a session?
As each person is unique, each process is unique. Your soul knows exactly what you need to
experience in each session for your highest good.
During the session, experiences can be: bliss states, seeing cosmic colors and divine geometry, had
visions and insights, feeling out of the body, having spontaneous movements, experiences on a spiritual
level, emotional releases…
What happens during the sessions is not the most important, but the great consciousness shifts in
your life after sessions. What comes after is a deeper connection to your intuition and to your TRUE
SELF. The real changes in your daily life occur because of these major internal shifts.
What do I need to do?
Just lie down on a yoga mat, listen to the music that is played, relax, and surrender. The facilitator work
on your energetic and physical body. That is what happens on the outside. What happens on the
inside only you will know!
What are the benefits of Kundalini Activation?
Several benefits can occur with continued exposure: deeper states of consciousness shifts in
perception of reality, deep healing, rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system,
strengthened intuition, more clarity, developed senses, deeper inner connection, a more open heart,
inner knowing, bliss states…
Little by little you release everything that does not add you, allowing you to bloom what you are: your
ESSENCE – your pure and authentic self.
Sara offers individual and group sessions and she can facilitate them in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and/or French.
Group session: 50 Euros per person, maximum 4 people per group
Individual session: 130 Euros per person
Each session is between 75 and 90 minutes, and time after to rest and integrate.